The Wonders of Nuts to Health

 Nuts are  very popular; they're tasty, convenient and can be enjoyed on all kinds of diets. Despite being high in fat, they also have a number of impressive benefits for your health. The embryos of various trees, bushes, and other plants, nuts and seeds are packed with all the nutrients needed to grow an entire new plant and have been valued for their nutritional content since prehistoric times. 

Nut- and seed-bearing plants have been cultivated since 10,000 BC. Nuts have been shown to lower cholesterol and help control weight. Eating more nuts is also associated with a lower risk of stroke. Their healthy qualities may be attributed to their fatty acid profile along with their protein, fiber, and magnesium content. 

Nuts and seeds are one of the best food sources of vitamin E, an important antioxidant that enhances the immune system, protects cell membranes, and helps make red blood cells. Nuts and seeds also contain folate and other minerals such as iron, calcium, selenium, manganese, zinc, and potassium, flavonoids as well as plant sterols.

The following are the commonly consumed nuts and they include:
  • Almonds Nuts
  • Cashew Nuts
  • Peanuts
  • Hazel nuts
  • Chest Nuts
  • Pistachios
  • Walnuts
  • Pecan Nuts
  • Brazil Nuts
  • Macadamias
  • Tiger nuts

Health Benefits of Nuts

Prevents Diabetes 

Nuts and seeds are good for blood sugar. Harvard researchers discovered that women who regularly ate nuts (about a handful five times a week) were 20% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who didn’t eat them as often.

Wards off Heart Disease 

Several large studies have found that a regular intake of nuts protects against heart disease. The Nurses’ Health Study found that women who ate more than 5 oz (142 g) of nuts per week had a 35% lower risk of heart attack and death from heart disease compared with those who never ate nuts or ate them less than once a month. Part of the reason may come from the high potassium content, which helps lower blood pressure by balancing sodium levels: A half-cup serving of almonds, peanuts, pine nuts, pistachios, or sunflower seeds provides more than 500 mg of
potassium, more than is in a whole banana.

Lowers Cholesterol 

One recent study found that when people with high levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol ate about 1.5 oz (42 g) of sesame seeds a day for 4 weeks as part of an already heart healthy diet, their LDL levels dropped by almost 10% more than when they followed the same diet without sesame seeds. Not surprisingly, their LDL levels went back up after they stopped eating the sesame seeds. Nuts also contain plant sterols that can lower cholesterol. One study showed that almonds significantly lowered LDL cholesterol in those who already had elevated cholesterol levels, and another study found that a diet that includes unsaturated fats from almonds and walnuts may have 10% more cholesterol-lowering power than a traditional cholesterol-lowering diet. Walnuts are also rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids; in one study men and women with high cholesterol levels who added walnuts to a healthy Mediterranean diet saw a drop in their LDL cholesterol.

May help prevent cancer 

Nuts are rich in cancer-fighting antioxidants. A 1-oz (28-g) serving of almonds provides almost 50% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamin E, and a similar serving of hazelnuts provides about 30%. Walnuts in particular are especially rich in ellagic acid, an antioxidant that may inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Brazil nuts are high in selenium, another antioxidant. One-quarter ounce (7 g) provides more than twice the RDA for this mineral. Plant sterols may also contribute to anticancer effects.

Boosts Energy 

Nuts are a “slow-burning” food containing a mix of fat and protein, and thus provide sustained energy.

Helps Alleviate Constipation 

Most nuts and seeds are a good source of dietary fiber. A cup of almonds, for example, provides about 15 g.

Fights Anemia 

By weight, both pumpkin and sesame seeds have more iron to combat anemia than liver does.

Aids in Weight Loss

Researchers at Purdue University tested various snack foods, including unsalted peanuts, other nuts, and rice cakes. They found that following a peanut or peanut butter snack, hunger was reduced for 2 ½ hours, while other snacks caused hunger to return within a half hour. Interestingly, the peanut snackers adjusted their calorie intake spontaneously and did not add extra calories to their daily diet. Furthermore, there was a positive change in the fatty-acid profile of the diet reflecting the good quality fats (monounsaturated) found in the peanuts.

Supports a Vegetarian Diet

Most nuts provide good amounts of protein. With the exception of peanuts, however, they lack lysine, an essential amino acid necessary to make a complete protein. This amino acid can easily be obtained by combining nuts with legumes.

Health Risks

High in Fat and Calories 

The bad news is that nuts are high in calories and fat, but the good news is that with the exception of coconuts and palm nuts, their fat is mostly mono- or polyunsaturated. These are considered heart-friendly fats, especially when they replace saturated fats. Still, nuts should be consumed in moderation. Macadamia nuts have more than 1,000 calories per cup; Brazil nuts are a close second. 

Other nuts and seeds contain about 700 to 850 calories per cup. 30% to 50% lower risk of heart disease is associated with eating nuts several times a week.


Some nuts, especially peanuts (although technically these are not nuts but legumes), provoke allergic reactions in many people. Symptoms range from a tingling sensation in the mouth to hives and, in extreme cases, to anaphylaxis, a life-threatening emergency. But because the different varieties are not closely related, a person who is allergic to walnuts, for example, may be able to eat another type of nut or seed.



  1. Great article!
    Nuts are indeed wonderful.
    But i don't know why people who break palm kernel nut and take for meal are considered 'suffering' in this part of the world.
    Pls help

  2. They are not suffering per say. Palm kennel nuts comprises of mainly palmitic fatty acid which is a saturated fatty acid and ideally saturated fatty acids are not good for the health. Coming to the case of eating of Palm kennel, what matters now is the combination. What do you eat it with? Some take it with ukwa which is a very great combo, some take it with bread which is fair, some take it with garri.,.Hmmmm. So chewing of Palm kennel is not bad neither is it suffering but it should be taken in moderation. Thanks


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